Video course of speech communication in Chinese.
Video course of speech communication in Chinese.
Video course of speech communication in Chinese.
Video course of speech communication in Chinese.
Video course of speech communication in Chinese.
Video course of speech communication in Chinese.

Video course of speech communication in Chinese.

The video course of verbal communication in Chinese offered to readers can be used both as an independent publication and as a component
the famous educational and methodological complex “Practical course of verbal communication in Chinese” by T. L. Guruleva, Qu

Author: Бедарева Наталия, Гурулева Наталия

Printhouse: VKN

Year of publication: 2023

ISBN: 9785787320145

Number of pages: 290

Size: 1.5x14.8x21 mm

Cover type: Мягкая

Weight: 370 g

ID: 1669941
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