Easy reading in Italian. Sergio Cova. Three versions of suicide
Easy reading in Italian. Sergio Cova. Three versions of suicide
Easy reading in Italian. Sergio Cova. Three versions of suicide
Easy reading in Italian. Sergio Cova. Three versions of suicide
Easy reading in Italian. Sergio Cova. Three versions of suicide

Easy reading in Italian. Sergio Cova. Three versions of suicide

The book includes selected stories from one of the recognized masters of the Italian detective Sergio Cova, including several cases from the practice of the writer’s favorite hero, Lieutenant Colonel Ares Belmonte. Simple modern language, dynamic style of presentation, abundance...

Printhouse: VKN

Series: Метод обучающего чтения Ильи Франка

Age restrictions: 16+

Year of publication: 2020

ISBN: 9785787316148

Number of pages: 352

Size: 125x200 mm

Cover type: Мягкая

Weight: 259 g

ID: 1669936
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