The book is intended for those who are motivated to learn foreign languages. The author, who has extensive teaching experience, examines in detail the factors that will help achieve success in this difficult task. They are divided into five groups...
and come down to five questions: what personal qualities should be focused on in studies; what features of foreign languages should be taken into account when choosing them to study; with whom it is faster and easier to achieve success in mastering foreign languages; under what conditions is it most effective to study foreign languages? What strategies, techniques and teaching techniques are useful to rely on?
The book is written in a lively, accessible language and is intended for a wide range of readers. It will help you use the time allotted for mastering a foreign language more effectively and efficiently, and build your own system for learning it, taking into account specific tasks, personal qualities and capabilities.
Author: Бритов Игорь
Printhouse: VKN
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 9785787320428
Number of pages: 302
Size: 14x130x200 mm
Cover type: Мягкая
Weight: 260 g
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