A gift for a real man (set of 3 books)
A gift for a real man (set of 3 books)
A gift for a real man (set of 3 books)
A gift for a real man (set of 3 books)
A gift for a real man (set of 3 books)
A gift for a real man (set of 3 books)

A gift for a real man (set of 3 books)

Everything you need to know about whiskey. This is a book for everyone who loves whiskey. Its reader does not need to be a great expert - far from it! — but even the most passionate and knowledgeable fans will...

Author: Боте Карстен, Морган Николас, Шредер Джадис

Printhouse: KoLibri

Series: Комплекты подарочные

Age restrictions: 18+

Year of publication: 2024

ISBN: 9785389241671

Size: 255x200 mm

Cover type: Твердая

Weight: 1950 g

ID: 1669763
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