Crystal therapy from A to Z. Stones for tuning the chakras and activating kundalini energy. Book 4
Crystal therapy from A to Z. Stones for tuning the chakras and activating kundalini energy. Book 4
Crystal therapy from A to Z. Stones for tuning the chakras and activating kundalini energy. Book 4

Crystal therapy from A to Z. Stones for tuning the chakras and activating kundalini energy. Book 4

Here is the fourth book by the famous healer, astrologer and hypnotherapist Judy Hall, dedicated to the benefits of using the energies of crystals. This time the author pays special attention to working with chakras. However, she does not limit...

Author: Джуди Холл

Printhouse: Ves'

Series: Внесерийные издания

Age restrictions: 16+

Year of publication: 2023

ISBN: 9785957361343

Number of pages: 336

Size: 220x145x18 mm

Cover type: мягкая

Weight: 314 g

ID: 1669399
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