The author of the book, Vadim Zhorov, went through the difficult path of a repatriate in Israel, from a factory worker to the head of a large business, who is also involved in accompanying new repatriates. "Israeli Citizenship" is the... sum of Vadim's life and professional experience, presented in step-by-step instructions and in brief but information-rich texts. The author did not miss a single topic relevant to future repatriates, from how to answer the consul’s questions during a consular check, to real estate prices in different cities of Israel. The book also contains a lot of valuable information about the history, culture of modern Israel, how a family from Russia can settle down in a new country and realize the wide opportunities that an Israeli passport provides.
Author: Вадим Жоров
Printhouse: Al'pina Pablisher
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 9785206002089
Number of pages: 176
Size: 221x168x16 mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 578 g
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