Pencil and Samodelkin on the island of fantastic plants
Pencil and Samodelkin on the island of fantastic plants
Pencil and Samodelkin on the island of fantastic plants
Pencil and Samodelkin on the island of fantastic plants

Pencil and Samodelkin on the island of fantastic plants

In this book by Valentin Postnikov, the little wizards Pencil and Samodelkin visit an unusual island where incredible plants grow - Sausage, Cheese, Chocolate and Hairy trees, and also amazing insects live - butterflies that gnaw stones and beetles that...

Author: Валентин Постников

Printhouse: SIMBAT

Series: Любимая классика

Age restrictions: 0+

Year of publication: 2022

ISBN: 9785506077794

Number of pages: 192

Size: 197х255 mm

Cover type: твердая

Weight: 500 g

ID: 1668849
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