Geographical discoveries and travel. 5-11 grades
Geographical discoveries and travel. 5-11 grades
Geographical discoveries and travel. 5-11 grades
Geographical discoveries and travel. 5-11 grades
Geographical discoveries and travel. 5-11 grades
Geographical discoveries and travel. 5-11 grades

Geographical discoveries and travel. 5-11 grades

The directory contains a brief and systematic description of the most important geographical discoveries and travels, starting from the trade routes of the Phoenicians (in the 2nd-1st millennia BC) and ending with the exploration of Antarctica at the beginning of...

Author: Чернов Данила Иванович

Printhouse: VAKO

Series: Школьный справочник

Age restrictions: 6+

Year of publication: 2023

ISBN: 9785408064885

Number of pages: 160

Size: 165x235 mm

Cover type: Мягкая

Weight: 180 g

ID: 1667107
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