The manual is a collection of multi-level tasks for conducting independent testing in English in grade 5. Developed according to the textbook by M.Z. Biboletova and others. "Enjoy English". The tasks are compiled in accordance with the Federal State Educational...
Standard and are divided into three levels of difficulty.
Intended for teachers, 5th grade students of general education institutions and their parents.
Compiled by Kulinich Galina Gennadievna.
3rd edition, revised.
Author: Галина Кулинич
Printhouse: VAKO
Series: Дидактические материалы
Age restrictions: 6+
Year of publication: 2019
ISBN: 9785408039043
Number of pages: 64
Size: 235x165x5 mm
Cover type: мягкая
Weight: 82 g
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