Astrology of moving. Create your future by traveling
Astrology of moving. Create your future by traveling
Astrology of moving. Create your future by traveling
Astrology of moving. Create your future by traveling
Astrology of moving. Create your future by traveling
Astrology of moving. Create your future by traveling
Astrology of moving. Create your future by traveling
Astrology of moving. Create your future by traveling
Astrology of moving. Create your future by traveling

Astrology of moving. Create your future by traveling

In his new book, astrologer Alexander Kolesnikov talks about how the influence of stars on our lives changes as we move around the planet. The book has enormous practical application in our age: now absolutely everyone travels, with rare exceptions....

Author: Александр Колесников

Printhouse: Ves'

Series: Астрология

Age restrictions: 16+

Year of publication: 2024

ISBN: 9785957337652

Number of pages: 656

Size: 210x145x35 mm

Cover type: мягкая

Weight: 786 g

ID: 1624958
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