We hear - we write. Developing phonemic awareness
We hear - we write. Developing phonemic awareness
We hear - we write. Developing phonemic awareness
We hear - we write. Developing phonemic awareness
We hear - we write. Developing phonemic awareness

We hear - we write. Developing phonemic awareness

To successfully write dictations, you need a well-developed phonemic awareness. The tasks presented in the collection are aimed at auditory analysis of words, which primarily trains phonemic hearing. In addition, they help memorize the image of a letter, develop visual...

Author: Любовь Свичкарева

Printhouse: Feniks

Series: Пиши-читай

Age restrictions: 0+

Year of publication: 2024

ISBN: 9785222397206

Number of pages:

Size: 260x200x3 mm

Cover type: Мягкая обложка

Weight: 74 g

ID: 1624475
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