I'm learning to say no! All about personal and other people's boundaries
I'm learning to say no! All about personal and other people's boundaries
I'm learning to say no! All about personal and other people's boundaries
I'm learning to say no! All about personal and other people's boundaries
I'm learning to say no! All about personal and other people's boundaries

I'm learning to say no! All about personal and other people's boundaries

How often, despite their wishes or for fear of appearing impolite, do people fail to say no? To the detriment of their own interests, and sometimes safety, a person follows the lead of others and loses control over the situation....

Author: Евгения Асеева

Printhouse: Feniks-Prem'er

Series: Близко к сердцу

Age restrictions: 0+

Year of publication: 2023

ISBN: 9785222409688

Number of pages: 72

Size: 227x168x8 mm

Cover type: твердая

Weight: 260 g

ID: 1619045
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