Despite all the advances in neuroscience, we have made little progress in solving its main question: what is the biological nature of intelligence?
The author offers an answer based on a sensational scientific discovery. In the book, he talks about why...
the neurons of the cerebral cortex are united in strange communities called “cortical columns.” There are one hundred and fifty thousand of them in the neocortex. Jeff Hawkins and his team found that each column that makes up the cerebral cortex creates its own model of the world. As a result, not one model is formed, but thousands, and our perception is a collective decision of the cortical columns, made by them by voting.
The authors of the idea called a new look at the activity of the brain the theory of a “thousand brains.” They argue that it is not artificial neural networks, but the laws of the neocortex they discovered that will form the basis for the development of artificial intelligence in the future.
“What is described here is so exciting, so stimulating, that it will turn your mind into a swirling whirlpool of provocative ideas.” Richard Dawkins
One of Bill Gates' five favorite books of 2021.
Author: Джефф Хокинс
Printhouse: Portal
Series: Мастерская мозга
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785907473584
Number of pages: 368
Size: 213x148x24 mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 504 g
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