This work is a classic example of research in the field of the history of religion. Religious ideas are presented here not only in chronological order, but are also united by a common understanding of the diversity of religious life... of all cultures and continents. Eliade masterfully masters the methods of comparative anthropology and demonstrates general trends in the development of religious ideas. “For the historian of religions, every manifestation of the sacred is significant: every ritual, every myth, every belief and every image of a deity reflects the experience of the sacred and therefore carries within itself the concepts of being, meaning, truth.”The book covers the period from the magical worlds of the Stone Age to the religions of ancient civilizations and the religion of biblical revelation: “At the most archaic levels of culture, living as a human being is in itself a religious act, because eating, sexual relations and work have sacramental value.” .
Author: Мирча Элиаде
Printhouse: Akademicheskii proekt
Series: Философские технологии
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2019
ISBN: 9785829141783
Number of pages: 432
Size: 220х140х20 mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 580 g
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