Permanent modernity and cultural dynamics
Permanent modernity and cultural dynamics
Permanent modernity and cultural dynamics
Permanent modernity and cultural dynamics
Permanent modernity and cultural dynamics
Permanent modernity and cultural dynamics
Permanent modernity and cultural dynamics

Permanent modernity and cultural dynamics

The book is an attempt to comprehend culture in the broad context of modern philosophy: on the one hand, the author’s concept of “permanent modernity” is proposed as a definition of the existential situation of the dialogue between man and...

Author: Ярослав Мальцев

Printhouse: Akademicheskii proekt

Age restrictions: 16+

Year of publication: 2023

ISBN: 9785829141424

Number of pages: 245

Size: 215x155x15 mm

Cover type: твердая

Weight: 360 g

ID: 1605060
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