Woody Woodpecker is back! The popularly beloved feathered informer is once again ready to delight both young and old with his hilarious antics! The image of Woody Woodpecker came from sketches left over from the creation of the characters Bugs...
Bunny and Daffy Duck. And the idea of using a woodpecker as a cartoon was suggested to Walter Lantz by his wife, who later gave Woody her voice. The arrogant, stubborn woodpecker made his debut in 1940 in the animated film “Knock Knock” and immediately won the audience’s hearts! Woody Woodpecker is one of the most popular animated characters in the world, and cartoons about him are still being published to this day! This anthology includes comics from the 50s published by Dell Comic.
"Wrath of the Woodpecker" - Walter Lantz Woody Woodpecker #364 (Dec-Jan 1952), Dell Comics
"Pimp My Ride" - Walter Lantz Woody Woodpecker #19 (June-July 1953), Dell Comics
"Hiccup" - Walter Lantz Woody Woodpecker #21 (October-November 1953), Dell Comics
"Termites" - Walter Lantz Woody Woodpecker #17 (February-March 1953), Dell Comics
"Seasick" - Walter Lantz Woody Woodpecker #364 (Dec-Jan 1952), Dell Comics
Author: Уолтер Ланц
Printhouse: ALPAKA
Series: Древние комиксы
Age restrictions: 12+
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 9785907637757
Number of pages: 28
Size: 245x165x2 mm
Cover type: мягкая
Weight: 60 g
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