Elina Boltenko is a teacher by profession, but she has always been attracted to the magic of stones, fortune telling and runes. Currently, she is a practicing witch, helping people. According to the author, psychic abilities are given to every...
person at birth. And even if you have never had anything to do with clairvoyance, thanks to this book, you will be able to identify and develop your hidden capabilities.
Elina Boltenko determined that a person’s age is not important for the development of extrasensory abilities - attitude and hard work on oneself are of great importance. Therefore, the textbook contains many practical exercises, including for beginners.
By learning to see with your soul, you will be able to better understand the world and “feel your interlocutors with your heart.”
Author: Элина Болтенко
Printhouse: Ves'
Series: Магия
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 9785957361114
Number of pages: 208
Size: 210x140x15 mm
Cover type: мягкая
Weight: 222 g
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