It's good to be able to count! Even better is to be able to count quickly! But it is not at all necessary to solve the same type of examples, which cause boredom and rejection in many students.
In elementary school,...
a lot of time and effort is spent on practicing various arithmetic skills, and rightly so. The author offers a set of arithmetic games that, on the one hand, will help strengthen counting skills, and on the other hand, will be much more interesting than columns with examples.
To work with this manual, you will need dice with dots, 2 or 3 dice for each student.
Author: Евгения Кац
Printhouse: MTsNMO
Series: Играем с Женей Кац
Age restrictions: 6+
Year of publication: 2020
ISBN: 9785443941400
Number of pages: ㌲
Size: 260x200x2 mm
Cover type: мягкая
Weight: 78 g
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