Anatomy of muscles. Illustrated reference book
Anatomy of muscles. Illustrated reference book
Anatomy of muscles. Illustrated reference book
Anatomy of muscles. Illustrated reference book
Anatomy of muscles. Illustrated reference book

Anatomy of muscles. Illustrated reference book

The new edition of this classic manual is a comprehensive guide to all muscle groups. Easy to use and accompanied by all the necessary illustrations, the publication provides complete information about each muscle of the human body, clearly showing its...

Author: Крис Джерми

Printhouse: Popurri

Series: Фитнес и физические упражнения

Age restrictions: 16+

Year of publication: 2023

ISBN: 9789851554719

Number of pages: 296

Size: 290х215х16 mm

Cover type: Мягкая обложка

Weight: 1007 g

ID: 1587499
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