A guide to developing a child's speech and imagination
A guide to developing a child's speech and imagination
A guide to developing a child's speech and imagination
A guide to developing a child's speech and imagination
A guide to developing a child's speech and imagination
A guide to developing a child's speech and imagination

A guide to developing a child's speech and imagination

This book is for parents and teachers who want to unleash the creative potential of children. It will help you understand the mechanisms of creative thinking; will tell you how it is related to speech and give you tools with...

Author: Анна Шуракова

Printhouse: Feniks

Series: Библиотека логопеда

Age restrictions: 0+

Year of publication: 2024

ISBN: 9785222408094

Number of pages: 208

Size: 240х160х40 mm

Cover type: твердая

Weight: 260 g

ID: 1579699
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