We all sell something every day - some do it as part of their line of work, while others “sell” their own ideas to colleagues, management, subordinates, and even friends and relatives. And our success depends on how convincing we... are, using the ability to ask questions, methods of identifying a person’s motives and needs, knowledge of the basics of nonverbal behavior and other techniques. This book will help you master the technology of effective sales. It analyzes examples of wholesale and retail sales of goods of various price categories, which formed the basis for tasks that allow consolidation of the acquired knowledge. The book offers ready-made recipes that you can adapt to your own business and start using the very next day after reading it. Here you will find a minimum of general advice and a maximum of specific solutions. The book is addressed to sales professionals.
Author: Светлана Иванова
Printhouse: Al'pina Pablisher
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785961493719
Number of pages: 278
Size: 220х140х20 mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 428 g
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