Pussy goes for a walk. Learning to dress
Pussy goes for a walk. Learning to dress
Pussy goes for a walk. Learning to dress
Pussy goes for a walk. Learning to dress
Pussy goes for a walk. Learning to dress

Pussy goes for a walk. Learning to dress

This kind, funny, educational book will help to involve your child in exploring the world around him, will activate the development of the child’s thinking and speech, and will expand his vocabulary. It will help adults build a conversation with...

Author: Елена Киричек

Printhouse: Khobbiteka

Series: Развиваем мышление и речь. Беседуем с малышом

Age restrictions: 4+

Year of publication: 2023

ISBN: 9785907749887

Number of pages: 24

Size: 255х195х5 mm

Cover type: мягкая

Weight: 100 g

ID: 1579059
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