In the “Mysterious Labyrinths” series, there is a book for children “Go Through It.” These are fun labyrinths - searchers for inquisitive minds: try to overcome, pass an insurmountable obstacle, find a way out of the most complex labyrinth!
We warn...
you: you will have to run away from zombies and yetis (don’t mix it up!), fly into a parallel Universe, catch robbers and even... make your way through the brain. Well, is everyone ready? Three, two, one - get it together! Grab a pencil and let's go! Let's start the game!
Author: Елена Киричек
Printhouse: Khobbiteka
Series: Загадочные лабиринты
Age restrictions: 7+
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 9785907772199
Number of pages: 24
Size: 270x200x3 mm
Cover type: мягкая
Weight: 185 g
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