The textbook is intended for the study of informatics in the 5th grade of a general education school. It is part of the educational and methodological set for informatics for grades 5-9, which also includes an author’s program, workbooks, electronic...
materials, methodological aids for teachers, and more.
In the textbooks for grades 5-6, an introduction to the subject is presented, anticipating further study of informatics in grades 7-9. The theoretical material of the textbook is supported by a detailed apparatus for organizing the assimilation of the studied material, including questions, tasks, and assignments for practical implementation, as well as descriptions of computer practice work.
It promotes the development of universal educational actions among students, competence in the field of using information and communication technologies, and the formation of algorithmic and informational culture.
The wide use of resources from federal educational portals is anticipated, including the Unified collection of digital educational resources.
It conforms to the federal state educational standard for basic general education and the model basic educational program for basic general education.
Printhouse: Prosveshchenie
Series: Информатика. Босова Л.Л., Босова А.Ю. (5-6)
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 9785090919258
Number of pages: 184
Size: 23.5 x 16.5 x 1.1 mm
Cover type: Мягкая глянцевая
Weight: 280 g
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