• This book by the world-renowned doctor and scientist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Sergey Sergeevich Konovalov, is a true assistant for all in-person and distance patients-students of the Doctor on the path to Healing. • In the Doctor's book,... the reader will find answers to the most important questions of the Information-Energetic Teaching, working with the Energy of Creation, returning and maintaining health. • This book is important for every patient-student of Doctor Konovalov. Who will benefit from this book? 1. Those who are ill, dream of healing, or want to maintain health for many years. Sergey Sergeevich Konovalov has already helped hundreds of thousands of incurable patients. The author will show you the Path to health! 2. Those who do not want to be sick and age, who want to understand the true causes of their diseases and are looking for ways to heal the soul and body. 3. Those who are interested in the Information-Energetic Teaching, seeking knowledge about the structure of man, the World, and the Universe, and want to gain knowledge about the Soul, Angel. 4. Those who want to acquire knowledge about the origin of the Universe and Man, evolution, genetics, etc., to learn where we came from on Earth and what our Purpose is. 5. Those who live far from Moscow and St. Petersburg and cannot attend the Doctor's lectures and meetings, but want to hear his words.
Printhouse: AST
Series: Доктор Коновалов С.С.: Путь к здоровью
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 9785171521936
Number of pages: 384
Size: 84x108/32 mm
Cover type: Твердая бумажная
Weight: 360 g
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