The book is intended for elementary school students of music schools and art schools studying the subject Listening to Music. Since the proposed teaching methodology is based on auditory, performing, and elementary compositional skills outlined in the manual Incorrect Solfeggio,... which features songs, pictures, and various stories instead of rules, the author referred to the manual for the subject Listening to Music as Incorrect Musical Literature. Incorrect Solfeggio and Incorrect Musical Literature complement each other in studying different aspects of musical art - elementary music theory and its history. The knowledge and skills acquired in solfeggio lessons are developed and reinforced in music listening classes. The leading principle of children's music study, expressed by G. I. Shatkovsky, is that 'Ears listen, and the head thinks,' freeing children from scholasticism in theory and rote memorization in the course Music Literature. In solfeggio and music listening lessons, the main forms of learning are play, improvisation, and collaborative music-making. As a result, we cultivate a child who thinks, for whom music is filled with meaning and content, and who is able to express their understanding and attitude toward one of the highest arts. The author of the book, in every line of it, pursued a single goal: to awaken children's imagination, teach them to listen to music, and reason about it independently, that is, to develop professional skills in intellectual play, musical improvisation, auditory analysis of music, and the ability to articulate their thoughts clearly, using the simplest musical terminology. At the same time, the teacher's narration should be extremely brief, and the main characters in each lesson should be Music and Students.
Printhouse: Feniks
Series: Учебные пособия для ДМШ
Age restrictions: 0+
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 9785222374320
Number of pages: 138
Size: 84*108/16 mm
Cover type: Мягкая обложка
Weight: 265 g
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