The emergence of this educational manual is connected with the fact that the traditional Program for Musical Literature for Music Schools was published in 1956 and, without qualitative changes, underwent several reprints in 1962, 1970, 1979, and 1982. Naturally, many... provisions and thematic plans of the standard program have become outdated and do not correspond to the requirements of new approaches and methods of musical education for children. In recent years, other program models and curricula have begun to appear that adapt the course content to new historical and socio-cultural conditions, as well as to new trends in comprehensive aesthetic education for children. This educational manual is based on many years of experience in teaching the subject of Musical Literature in Music Schools, outlined in the author's programs and methodological recommendations by E. Lisyanskaya, Yu. Ageeva, A. Khotuntsev, M. Kuklinskaya, and others. Since the main tasks of the musical literature course are to foster in children a love and interest in serious musical art, to understand the foundations of musical creativity, and to develop their musical abilities, the goal of the first year training manual is to introduce children to the diverse world of musical concepts and knowledge. This manual familiarizes students with the means of musical expressiveness, various musical instruments, types of orchestras, and vocal timbres. Individual classes are dedicated to Russian folk musical culture - genre varieties of Russian songs and their use in professional music. The manual concludes with an introduction to musical forms - from the simplest to cyclical and musical-theatrical forms. Considering that another task of the subject should be considered the preparation of active listeners and music lovers, the manual includes a large volume of introductory material addressed to a wide audience of children. Hence, the ongoing section throughout all four manuals titled 'They Say That...' includes some materials borrowed from the collection 'Funny Intermission; Curious Stories from the Lives of Musicians' / Compiled by I. Artemchuk. - Kyiv: Music Ukraine, 1989 and other popular publications about music. Some tasks and crosswords from the 'Workbook on Musical Literature: 1st Year of Study' by Ostrovskaya Y., Frolova L., Tses N. - St. Petersburg: Valery SID, 2002 as well as didactic materials by L. Akimova, issue 4. Moscow: Rosman, 2002 have been included in the summarizing classes.
Printhouse: Feniks
Series: Учебные пособия для ДМШ
Age restrictions: 0+
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 9785222372906
Number of pages: 186
Size: 84*108/32 mm
Cover type: Твердый переплет
Weight: 250 g
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