Before you is a wonderful collection of crosswords and other tasks with words and letters, as well as with numbers and geometric shapes for children aged 8-9. Surely you have solved puzzles before. But in this little book, you will... see many new, previously unfamiliar types of verbal and numerical puzzles, the solving of which will make your leisure time useful. Numerical tasks will help you calculate faster in math classes. And verbal tasks will develop memory and ingenuity and will help you better grasp the school curriculum in reading and literature.
Author: САФОНОВ К.В.
Printhouse: Feniks
Series: Авторские головоломки
Age restrictions: 0+
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 9785222369371
Number of pages: 39
Size: 84*108/16 mm
Cover type: Мягкая обложка
Weight: 90 g
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