"The Magical Story of the Cartoon" is an engaging and educational children's book that tells about the fascinating world of animation.
The main character is an animator who creates a small and curious character named Multyash. This is where their amazing...
journey into the history of cartoons begins. Together with the animator, Multyash learns many interesting facts about the process of creating animation. The animator shares his knowledge of how animated films were made in the past, talks about the famous people who contributed to this field, and about the most renowned animation studios that became legends.
The book "The Magical Story of the Cartoon" with its captivating narrative and atmospheric illustrations will introduce the child to the history of the animation industry. It will also be useful for developing imagination, broadening horizons, and inspiring creativity!
Author: Екатерина Кузьмина
Printhouse: Feniks-Prem'er
Series: Вот это история!
Age restrictions: 0+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785222403518
Number of pages: 56
Size: 217x170x8 mm
Cover type: hard
Weight: 226 g
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