Two people, representatives of two different earthly civilizations, met on a deserted bank of the Siberian River Ob. She is a descendant of the oldest lineage, a young hermit from the Siberian taiga, and he is a modern entrepreneur who... mocked her way of life, philosophical conclusions, and predictions. Later, leaving his business, he described them in his book titled "Anastasia." And soon... an unusual wave of information spread across the world! Today, the books of the series "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" have been translated into 20 languages and are successfully sold in European countries, America, and Asia; they are commented on by religious figures and scholars. This book continues the story of an extraordinary woman who possesses the gift of ancestors and knowledge of the primordial truths about the creation of Earth and Man. It presents an unusual interpretation of the vision of a beautiful future for humanity. "Few people will be able to believe in such a thing. And let someone not believe, so what? What will disbelief in one's own power leave for a non-believer? Birth? Yes! But for what? If life beyond is meaningless, death. And then again a question: born for what?"
Author: Владимир Мегре
Printhouse: AST
Series: Звенящие кедры России
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785171650889
Number of pages: 288
Size: 200x125x17 mm
Cover type: мягкая
Weight: 251 g
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