Emotional literacy is becoming as necessary as following hygiene rules. This book will help parents, teachers, and caregivers easily explain basic human emotions to children. Young readers will quickly learn to recognize them and understand their reactions in various situations,...
whether it is someone's approval, a long-awaited meeting with a friend, fear from a sudden dog bark, or giggling behind someone's back. The author explains why people talk about falling in love as having "butterflies in the stomach" and where the feeling of unfairness comes from.
Interesting tasks at the end of the book will help learn to perform physical exercises and breathing exercises to safely relieve accumulated stress and tension.
Author: Виолэн Рифоло
Printhouse: Laminariia
Age restrictions: 6+
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 9785604956410
Number of pages: ㌶
Size: 217х155х6 mm
Cover type: hard
Weight: 188 g
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