The books of Alexander Mazin are an opportunity to immerse oneself in the life and manners of Ancient Russia. The author has written over three dozen books, published in a total circulation of about 3,000,000 copies. The continuation of the... legendary cycle. Traditionally strict historical accuracy in terms and descriptions of the life of Ancient Russia. A hero of strong character, who acts wisely and with conscience. "What is your lineage?" This is the first question asked of a stranger in the tenth century. Father, grandfather, great-grandfather... Are you worthy of their memory? Are you, their descendant, worthy to sit at the same table with warriors? Is it worthy for warriors to follow you? Is it possible to be related to you? No matter how skillfully you handle weapons, no matter how brave you are, without a lineage you are nobody. Sergey has devised a response to the main question. It remains only to prove: he is worthy.
Author: Александр Мазин
Printhouse: Eksmo
Series: Варяжская Русь
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785042058127
Number of pages: 352
Size: 165x115x16 mm
Cover type: мягкая
Weight: 147 g
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