At first there were two: a Magpie with a burned wing and a Dog who had lost an eye. He saved her and became her wings. She became his eyes. Together they were invulnerable until a third appeared. Fox in...
a luxurious red coat. A Fox who loved no one and was loved by no one. A dangerous Fox who knows how to trample even the strongest and brightest feelings.
Is it possible to restore what he has destroyed? Yes: wandering step by step through the heat of the desert towards the one who is dear.
Give this book to someone you want to return to. And if you received it as a gift - think: perhaps for this act someone endured a painful journey across the scorching sand.
Author: Маргарет Уайльд
Printhouse: RECh'
Series: Образ Речи
Age restrictions: 12+
Year of publication: 2017
ISBN: 9785926826859
Number of pages: 40
Size: 272x285x7 mm
Cover type: hard
Weight: 482 g
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