"Robots" is an intriguing book that tells the story of the development of robots in a simple and engaging manner, unafraid of vivid examples and memorable analogies. It will immerse you in the world of robotics and demonstrate how machines... have transformed from simple mechanical devices into complex, autonomous units capable of performing a variety of tasks and transforming our lives. How did a dystopian play outline the main directions of robotics? How was the first robot born and how did it manage to penetrate every home? What cultural footprint does robotics leave in literature and cinematography, and what will our electronic assistants look like in the future? You can read about all this in the chapters of our mini-encyclopedia and discover new horizons for understanding technological progress and the impact of machines on humanity.
Printhouse: AST
Series: Коротко и ясно
Age restrictions: 12+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785171633073
Number of pages: 128
Size: 173x132x11 mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 166 g
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