Three-dimensional applications are one of the favorite activities for children. They are interesting for the little one because they can be touched.
The three-dimensional applications "Boat" - 20 pages of enjoyment for your child and 4 crafts made by hand. You...
will encounter space rockets, sea transport, and many other interesting things in the book!
Each page contains detailed instructions for creating the application. The child will need scissors, glue, and your assistance to work. For convenience, there are symbols in the book indicating the necessary actions: cut, fold, twist with scissors, apply glue.
Three-dimensional applications positively affect the development of fine motor skills, spatial thinking, imagination, memory, attention, and broaden horizons. This technique is used for creating greeting cards and decorative paintings.
Happy crafting!
Printhouse: Bukva-lend
Series: Аппликации объёмные
Age restrictions: 3+
Year of publication: 2019
ISBN: 9785001450924
Number of pages: 20
Size: 295x210x2 mm
Cover type: soft
Weight: 66 g
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