Ksenia Mosunova is a clinical psychologist, lineage specialist, international speaker, partner of the competition “This is our family” (on the platform of ANO “Russia — Land of Opportunities”), founder of the Institute of Modern Psychology and Lineage. Currently, she is... a leader among experts in the field of lineage studies. The book “Lineage and Relationships. How Family History Affects Personal Life?” will immerse the reader in the intricacies of the Family Tree and present a different perspective on what “family” really is. Why is it not limited to just blood relatives and who do we forget when engaging in genealogy? Why can some people not find their soulmate while others live in two families? Why can infidelities be the norm? Why do families not have children? You can find the answers to these and other questions by delving into the history of your lineage. Ksenia Mosunova's book will explain how family history is connected to how your own life is arranged now. You will learn about the secrets hidden in the family tree, thanks to the book by the most popular specialist in lineage!
Author: Ксения Мосунова
Printhouse: AST
Series: Нонфикшн. Тайны знания
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785171647926
Number of pages: 320
Size: 208x134x240 mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 410 g
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