Always, Zoya! An Album of Memories
Always, Zoya! An Album of Memories
Always, Zoya! An Album of Memories
Always, Zoya! An Album of Memories
Always, Zoya! An Album of Memories
Always, Zoya! An Album of Memories
Always, Zoya! An Album of Memories
Always, Zoya! An Album of Memories

Always, Zoya! An Album of Memories


An extraordinary fate, incredible encounters — Zoya Boguslavskaya was the muse of Andrey Voznesensky, met Marc Chagall, was friends with Vladimir Vysotsky, Maya Plisetskaya, Lilya Brick, Vasily Aksyonov, and many, many others. She feared nothing and never retreated — Zoya...

Author: Зоя Богуславская

Printhouse: KoLibri

Series: Персона

Age restrictions: 16+

Year of publication: 2024

ISBN: 9785389251144

Number of pages: 208

Size: 247х218х20 mm

Cover type: hard

Weight: 920 g

ID: 1680754
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