There is a simple optimal approach to organizing life. At its core is the sequential mastery of the foundation of Soft Skills to achieve success and happiness.The book provides a comprehensive system of answers to people's frequent questions about their... existence. The text contains information about the shortest and simplest path to personal effectiveness while maintaining harmony with oneself and the surrounding world.The author's method will allow mastering work on personality, as well as a correct and environmentally friendly approach to forming human consciousness, and then creating a kind of standard, a leader by acquiring a set of meta- and soft skills, knowledge, and abilities.This is a kind of compass, a guide, a starting point for forming a harmonious, multifaceted, successful personality. It is equally useful for both the younger generation and adults. For the former, it answers the question "What to do?", and for the latter – the question "What can be corrected?".
Author: Игорь Странцов
Printhouse: piter
Series: Бизнес-психология
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 9785446121090
Number of pages: 192
Size: 213х146х15 mm
Cover type: hard
Weight: 332 g
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