"A startup is almost like launching a spaceship into space. It's very complicated! No one can guarantee success here. It's harder to launch any startup than to manage a large and developed business. But hard doesn't mean impossible," says Alex... Yanovsky, an American millionaire and businessman, a sought-after international business coach, and the founder of the largest Russian-speaking online school for entrepreneurs. How to successfully start in business? What should be particularly noted during a startup? What steps to take, what to study, where to begin? Every businessman has faced these questions at some point, as everyone would like to avoid unnecessary mistakes. This book contains many practical tips for aspiring entrepreneurs — and it's not dry theory, but the practice of building a business. Alex, as a business doctor, has diagnosed numerous businesses and offered recipes for resuscitation, recovery, and prosperity of startups based on specific examples.
Author: Алекс Яновский
Printhouse: AST
Series: Бизнес-бук
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785171071356
Number of pages: 256
Size: 217x145x19 mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 420 g
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