Russian Language. Grade 1. Exercises for School and Home
Russian Language. Grade 1. Exercises for School and Home
Russian Language. Grade 1. Exercises for School and Home
Russian Language. Grade 1. Exercises for School and Home

Russian Language. Grade 1. Exercises for School and Home


A classic training manual is a modern educational tool designed for comprehensive mastery of the school curriculum in the Russian language by students. Thanks to numerous original exercises and tasks, it allows for reinforcing and improving acquired knowledge, developing automatic...

Author: Алла Карпович

Printhouse: Knizhnyi dom

Series: Тренажер классический

Age restrictions: 6+

Year of publication: 2021

ISBN: 9789857263660

Number of pages: 96

Size: 213x167x7 mm

Cover type: soft

Weight: 117 g

ID: 1680271
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