“14 Forest Mice” is a very popular series of books in Japan and many European countries about the beauty of everyday life and the lives of three generations of a mouse family: grandmother, grandfather, mother, father, and a dozen more... little mice. The mice books are a new format for our long-loved mice. We decided that taking big mice with you for a walk, in a stroller, car, or airplane is difficult. So now the mice are not only twice as small, but also come in an integral, semi-soft cover, which means that they will even fit in an overstuffed backpack! Now the series is fully represented in a pocket format: 12 volumes are divided into summer, winter, and daily cases. Daily set: Breakfast, Washing, Dinner with the Moon, Lullaby.
Author: Кадзуо Ивамура
Printhouse: Samokat
Series: Мышкины книжки
Age restrictions: 0+
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 9785001675488
Number of pages: 160
Size: 215х150х25 mm
Cover type: мягкая
Weight: 450 g
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