The life of a French schoolboy is no bed of roses! Especially if your name is Kamo and you are the great-grandson of a famous revolutionary. What do you do if your favorite teacher has a split personality? And how... do you learn English in three months — like really well? Or another thing: by Monday you need to write an essay titled 'One morning you wake up and find that you have become an adult. In fear, you rush to your parents' bedroom: they have become children again. Write the continuation.' Four spectacular stories are told by Kamo's best friend, who knows exactly how it all happened!The book by the master of modern French literature and educator Daniel Pennac tells the adventures of two French schoolboys who find themselves in incredible, sometimes fantastical situations. These are stories about love and disappointment, about home and school, about parents and teachers, about true friendship and understanding, and about all that happens when you are ten years old, when such a long and beautiful life lies ahead.
Author: Даниэль Пеннак
Printhouse: Samokat
Series: Классика Самоката
Age restrictions: 6+
Year of publication: 2020
ISBN: 9785917599588
Number of pages: 288
Size: 206х144х25 mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 419 g
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