Notes on Napkins. On the Theory and Practice of Managing a Company
Notes on Napkins. On the Theory and Practice of Managing a Company
Notes on Napkins. On the Theory and Practice of Managing a Company
Notes on Napkins. On the Theory and Practice of Managing a Company
Notes on Napkins. On the Theory and Practice of Managing a Company
Notes on Napkins. On the Theory and Practice of Managing a Company
Notes on Napkins. On the Theory and Practice of Managing a Company
Notes on Napkins. On the Theory and Practice of Managing a Company
Notes on Napkins. On the Theory and Practice of Managing a Company
Notes on Napkins. On the Theory and Practice of Managing a Company

Notes on Napkins. On the Theory and Practice of Managing a Company


The book is dedicated to managing a company, and in particular, to the problems that arise when addressing key issues, and the obstacles encountered on the path of translating theory into practice. The practical experience of the authors, who are...

Author: Александр Лапин, Сергей Мельниченко

Printhouse: piter

Series: Вне серии

Age restrictions: 16+

Year of publication: 2024

ISBN: 9785001169543

Number of pages: 240

Size: 210х145х15 mm

Cover type: hard

Weight: 320 g

ID: 1679718
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