Cookbooks with recipes from iconic universes continue to gain popularity. And the worlds of Dungeons & Dragons are a surprisingly versatile source of inspiration for the chef! Meet A Feast of Heroes, a book that contains detailed cooking instructions from... the Forgotten Realms to Eberron. Every race, every people and tribe has its own culinary traditions, by joining which you will better understand their way of life. Get to know the secrets of the cuisine of brutal dwarves, refined elves, the main gluttons of the universe - halflings and many other races. The book not only contains recipes for halflings, but even recipes made from halflings! But if desired, their meat can be replaced with another, this will not greatly affect the taste of the dish. Well, in general, many ingredients are not easy to get - act wisely and look for affordable analogues. Not only dragon but also beef liver will go well with a mug of mead. And if you, for example, are a vegetarian, pay attention to the fruit dishes of the elves, for example, the Quit-Pa hiking ration. In general, every D&D fan will find a recipe to their taste!
Printhouse: Hobby World
Age restrictions: 18+
Year of publication: 2021
ISBN: 9785907170766
Number of pages: 240
Size: 248x223x19 mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 1020 g
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