Working with feedback is a free tool that can influence business profits. Claim settlement helps retain your existing customer base, while positive reviews and recommendations attract new customers. Feedback also plays a significant role in shaping the internal culture of...
a company that is interested in the development and growth of employees.
Why are people willing to spend time writing reviews? How to motivate clients, partners and employees to give feedback? What effective ways to collect reviews exist and is it worth writing odes of praise to your company on third-party sites? Alexandra Horvath, a PR specialist with ten years of experience in the field of reputation management, answers these questions. Alexandra built an effective system for working with feedback from clients from scratch and shared in the book the lessons learned over the years of running the project.
Author: Александра Хорват
Printhouse: Al'pina Pablisher
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 9785206002744
Number of pages: 152
Size: 216x146x12 mm
Cover type: твердый
Weight: 286 g
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