Astronomy Guide. Journey to the borders of limitless space
Astronomy Guide. Journey to the borders of limitless space
Astronomy Guide. Journey to the borders of limitless space
Astronomy Guide. Journey to the borders of limitless space
Astronomy Guide. Journey to the borders of limitless space
Astronomy Guide. Journey to the borders of limitless space
Astronomy Guide. Journey to the borders of limitless space
Astronomy Guide. Journey to the borders of limitless space

Astronomy Guide. Journey to the borders of limitless space

Studying astronomy means viewing the most amazing phenomena of the Universe on the most grandiose scale. When you raise your head to the sky, do you see myriads of stars that are 10 times larger than the Sun, black holes,...

Author: Уильям Уоллер

Printhouse: KoLibri

Series: Научный интерес

Age restrictions: 12+

Year of publication: 2024

ISBN: 9785389238275

Number of pages: 256

Size: 216x150x20 mm

Cover type: твердая

Weight: 422 g

ID: 1599127
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