Let go of your ex. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Skills for Healing After a Breakup
Let go of your ex. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Skills for Healing After a Breakup
Let go of your ex. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Skills for Healing After a Breakup
Let go of your ex. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Skills for Healing After a Breakup
Let go of your ex. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Skills for Healing After a Breakup
Let go of your ex. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Skills for Healing After a Breakup

Let go of your ex. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Skills for Healing After a Breakup

Letting go of your ex: Cognitive behavioral therapy skills after a breakup. Love makes a person vulnerable. It's not always happy, and sometimes we become so overwhelmed with feelings that breaking up with our partner sets off a destructive cycle...

Author: Кортни Уоррен

Printhouse: Ves'

Series: Психология

Age restrictions: 16+

Year of publication: 2023

ISBN: 9785957350316

Number of pages: 288

Size: 220x150x17 mm

Cover type: мягкая

Weight: 355 g

ID: 1579236
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