Tiny Animals. Who is the smallest in the world?
Tiny Animals. Who is the smallest in the world?
Tiny Animals. Who is the smallest in the world?
Tiny Animals. Who is the smallest in the world?
Tiny Animals. Who is the smallest in the world?

Tiny Animals. Who is the smallest in the world?


This beautifully illustrated book is about the smallest mammals on our planet. The accurate description of their appearance, real sizes, behavioral characteristics, habitats, and other curious details of their lives allows the reader to embark on an exciting journey into...

Author: Наталья Габеева

Printhouse: Nastia i Nikita

Series: Настя и Никита

Age restrictions: 6+

Year of publication: 2023

ISBN: 9785907684430

Number of pages: 24

Size: 340х260х20 mm

Cover type: soft

Weight: 91 g

ID: 1681717
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