The Fox Cub Ollie Goes to School
The Fox Cub Ollie Goes to School
The Fox Cub Ollie Goes to School

The Fox Cub Ollie Goes to School


The fox cub Ollie goes to school, where he meets his first love. However, with this beautiful feeling come new adventures. How to impress the cute fox girl Mia? How not to blush during a meeting and, most importantly, how...

Author: Юлия Сибирцева

Printhouse: Tompson

Series: Приключения лисёнка Олли

Age restrictions: 0+

Year of publication: 2023

ISBN: 9785604560594

Number of pages:

Size: 250x200x7 mm

Cover type: hard

Weight: 260 g

ID: 1680958
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