When a child carries someone else's destiny. Children's behavior from a systemic perspective. Introduction by B. Hellinger
When a child carries someone else's destiny. Children's behavior from a systemic perspective. Introduction by B. Hellinger
When a child carries someone else's destiny. Children's behavior from a systemic perspective. Introduction by B. Hellinger
When a child carries someone else's destiny. Children's behavior from a systemic perspective. Introduction by B. Hellinger
When a child carries someone else's destiny. Children's behavior from a systemic perspective. Introduction by B. Hellinger
When a child carries someone else's destiny. Children's behavior from a systemic perspective. Introduction by B. Hellinger
When a child carries someone else's destiny. Children's behavior from a systemic perspective. Introduction by B. Hellinger
When a child carries someone else's destiny. Children's behavior from a systemic perspective. Introduction by B. Hellinger
When a child carries someone else's destiny. Children's behavior from a systemic perspective. Introduction by B. Hellinger
When a child carries someone else's destiny. Children's behavior from a systemic perspective. Introduction by B. Hellinger

When a child carries someone else's destiny. Children's behavior from a systemic perspective. Introduction by B. Hellinger


This book offers a largely new perspective on children and their development. Psychological problems, illness, or simply unusual behavior in a child often point to a disruption in the parental system, and to be able to help on a fundamentally...

Author: Ингрид Дикстра

Printhouse: piter

Series: Психология для профессионалов

Age restrictions: 16+

Year of publication: 2024

ISBN: 9785446141814

Number of pages: 256

Size: 212х150х19 mm

Cover type: hard

Weight: 394 g

ID: 1679744
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